
The PACE Study

thumbnail-PACE Study

Communications & Social Media Toolkits

The PACE Study

DATE: 10/15/2022
AUDIENCE: Public, Researcher
TOPIC(S): Community Engagement, Best Practices

Navigating the return to in-person school during COVID-19 in Maryland

The Parents And Communities as Experts (PACE) Study was designed to learn how families and communities in Maryland navigated the return to in-person school in elementary and middle schools during the 2021-22 school year. In this report, we summarize the findings of our project, methodology, processes, and results.


Protecting Life study Infographic

Communications & Social Media Toolkits


DATE: 2/02/2022
AUDIENCE: Public, Researcher
TOPIC(S): COVID-19 Testing, Best Practices

Pacific Islanders (PI) in Hawai’i have been heavily affected by COVID-19. PI who have other health conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity, are at increased risk of severe COVID-19. There is a need for COVID-19 testing responses for PI communities.

Micronesian Organizations Work to Increase Booster Shots in the Community

Members of the University of Guam's Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics in Underserved Populations Protecting Life Project

Communications & Social Media Toolkits

Micronesian Organizations Work to Increase Booster Shots in the Community

DATE: 2/07/2022
AUDIENCE: Researcher
TOPIC(S): COVID-19 Testing, Best Practices

Our partners at the University of Guam published an article in their local newspaper, 'Pacific Daily News,' to share the purpose of the study during COVID-19. It provides a background that supports the objectives of the study and how it will address health disparities among Pacific Islanders in Guam.

Spotlighting Mary Cariola on their first week back-to-school

Communications & Social Media Toolkits

Spotlighting Mary Cariola on their first week back-to-school

DATE: 9/08/2023
TOPIC(S): Community Engagement, Best Practices

Mary Cariola initiated a back-to-school media pitch at the end of August to our local news channels; WXXI, WHAM- Radio, Channel 8, 10, 13, and Spectrum News. The focus was to understand the long- term effects of COVID on the IDD population and the importance of continued testing. As schools started to welcome back their students, Channel 13 News took the opportunity to highlight local schools within the community. Reporter, Alexis Arnold, visited the Mary Cariola school on September 8, 2023 and spoke with Karen Zandi, President/ CEO and others. 

LinkUP Project Logo Artist Inspired by Community Partner’s Logo


LinkUP Project Logo Artist Inspired by Community Partner's Logo

For four months in 2022, a van parked in San Diego County’s La Frontera neighborhood displayed a big, bright drawing of a sunflower in full bloom, with a bold red heart in its center and a black arrow extending upward. Curious passersby would stop and ask what was happening in the van. And with that, the logo for the RADx-UP LinkUP project had done its job — engaging potential participants.

The goal of the LinkUP project was to encourage COVID-19 testing and vaccination among people who inject drugs, employing a combination of education, motivational interviewing, problem-solving, and ongoing support from trained peer counselors. The project was led by a collaboration between researchers from the University of California San Diego and local community partner “OnPoint,” which is a mobile safe syringe program run by the Harm Reduction Coalition of San Diego (HRCSD).

Tara Stamos-Buesig, HRCSD’s founder and CEO, believes that the right visuals can set the tone that helps people feel comfortable, respected, and open to having these kinds of conversations. So she wanted to create this kind of welcoming logo for LinkUP.

The LinkUP logo is actually a variation of the logo first created for the OnPoint program. Recalling her personal inspiration for that original logo, Tara said, “A girl who used our syringe program once brought me some sunflowers she had cut from the side of the road and told me, ‘I just want this to be the joy in your life today because you are the only joy in mine.’ That always stuck with me.”

To bring her sunflower vision to life, Tara had called on her friend and artist Shannon Knox, who also works in the harm reduction community. “Shannon's artwork has always been something that's driven by very personal experiences and interactions and has a lot of love and passion and meaning behind it.”

“It was nice that [the sunflower] wasn't too indicative of what we were doing, but it was very welcoming. It was very original and people could identify it,” Tara said. Not surprisingly, Shannon was Tara’s first call again when she needed the LinkUP variation.

Shannon’s new LinkUP logo was used in several ways in addition to the van. Logo stickers on HRCSD clients’ ID cards identified OnPoint clients who also participated in the LinkUP study, which was important for data collection purposes. It was also used on other signage for community events.

A logo can make a real difference to public health research. Shannon, the logo’s artist, noted that “a well-intentioned, thoughtfully designed logo establishes a sense of commitment to a project. It also helps keep our efforts alive in people’s minds for longer. It’s a reminder that we’re doing our work on a very personal level.” Those attributes can inspire the kind of community trust that leads to engagement, participation, and acceptance.


The RADx-UP CDCC is starting a collection of logos from all projects that used them. We invite you to share yours with us via this form.



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Prueba y vacunación de COVID-19 en la población Hispana: En qué se diferenciaron los comportamientos según la herencia hispana y la preferencia de idioma

Research Summary

Prueba y vacunación de COVID-19 en la población Hispana: En qué se diferenciaron los comportamientos según la herencia hispana y la preferencia de idioma

DATE: 12/20/2023
AUDIENCE: Public, Researcher
TOPIC(S): COVID-19 Testing, COVID-19 Vaccination, Research Findings

El resumen de la investigación describe los results del primer manuscrito que extrae conclusiones a partir de un conjunto de datos de ámbito nacional proporcionados por el consorcio del programa de RADx-UP se ha publicado en la edición de julio de 2023 de la revista Preventive Medicine Reports

Fotonovela: Tailored COVID-19 Communication

Communications & Social Media Toolkits

Fotonovela: Tailored COVID-19 Communication

DATE: 12/02/2023
TOPIC(S): Community Engagement, Best Practices

Guides study participants in Rio Grande Valley, Houston, and Northeast Texas through a conversation between a mother and son about the importance of getting tested for COVID-19 after exposure, using regional specifics in names and language.

Binax Home Test Video (English and Spanish)

Communications & Social Media Toolkits

Binax Home Test Video (English and Spanish)

DATE: 12/02/2023
AUDIENCE: Public, Researcher
TOPIC(S): COVID-19 Testing, Best Practices

Guides study participants in Rio Grande Valley, Houston, and Northeast Texas step-by-step in taking a self-collected BinaxNOW test at home.


BinaxNow - RGV (ENG) from Tu Salud Si Cuenta on Vimeo.


BinaxNow - RGV (ESP) from Tu Salud Si Cuenta on Vimeo.

C.R.A.I.N.E.S. – A RADx-UP Study Website

Research Tools

C.R.A.I.N.E.S. – A RADx-UP Study Website

DATE: 12/02/2023
AUDIENCE: Researcher
TOPIC(S): COVID-19 Testing, COVID-19 Vaccination, Research Findings

This website provides an overview of C.R.A.I.N.E.S, a project to introduce Wastewater Based Surveillance (WBS) as an evidence-based strategy for SARS-CoV-2 surveillance in the jails of Atlanta, Chicago, suburban Boston and Washington, DC. The purpose of this site includes an introduction to our study team, information on our four (4) collaborating sites, and required tax and consent forms needed for participants.

UTSPH COVID Commercial in English and Spanish


UTSPH COVID Commercial in English and Spanish

DATE: 12/02/2023
AUDIENCE: Public, Researcher
TOPIC(S): COVID-19 Testing, COVID-19 Vaccination

Watch this commercial to notify parents that COVID-19 vaccines are available for children 6-months and older aired on local television. The commercial was produced in English and Spanish.

Commercial in English

UTSPH COVID Commercial_ENG from Tu Salud Si Cuenta on Vimeo.

Commercial in Spanish

UTSPH COVID Commercial_SPN from Tu Salud Si Cuenta on Vimeo.