Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH)

Established in 1997, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) is a nonprofit membership organization that promotes health equity and social justice through partnerships between communities and academic institutions. We view health broadly as physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual well-being and emphasize partnership approaches to health that focus on changing the conditions and environments in which people live, work, study, pray and play.

As co-lead of the RADx-UP Coordinating and Data Collection Center (CDCC), CCPH provides training, consultation, and technical assistance to support the community engagement efforts of the CDCC and RADx-UP funded projects. By convening RADx-UP Working Groups and supporting the RADx-UP Engagement Resource Center (ERC), CCPH facilitates the exchange of knowledge and best practices regarding partnership development, recruitment and retention of study participants, communications, engagement, and sustainability across diverse communities most impacted by COVID-19.

We offer a variety of trainings to RADx-UP project sites and community partners designed to build your capacity to sustain equitable partnerships and maximize community outcomes. We invite project teams and members of the CDCC to access our tailored Trainings and Services, including the Office Hours Consultative Service, Fundamentals of Community Engagement, Authentic Partnerships, and more. For more information contact To learn more about our other initiatives, including the Community Engagement Research Alliance Against COVID-19 (CEAL), visit our website at We look forward to working with you.

The Community-Campus Partnerships for Health RADx-UP Team

Al Richmond

Al Richmond

Executive Director, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH)

Maryland Grier-Union

Director of RADx-UP

Melvin Jackson

MSPH CCPH Senior Consultant
Magdalene Wellman

Magdalene Wellman

MPH, CHES RADx-Up Manager
Photo of Fatima Guerrab

Fatima Z. Guerrab

MPH, CHES RADx-Up Community Engagement Coordinator

Emily D. Finley

MPH, CHES RADx-Up Community Engagement Coordinator